Design conference for future pros

This is your opportunity to hear from the pros on what it takes to be a top designer.

We connect young designers from high schools and universities with the charity sector. At the same time, we are trying to spread education and awareness about breast cancer prevention by supporting the Alliance of Women with Breast Cancer, o.p.s..
Explore my story
Explore my story
As part of the one-day event, we provide fashion lovers with educational workshops with professionals from the fashion industry and give fashion design students the opportunity to showcase their work during a fashion show and a benefit auction. Proceeds from the auctioned collection go to the aforementioned organization, which covers women facing breast cancer.

/ Educational Workshops

Our intention is to provide visitors with the opportunity to meet interesting personalities from the field of fashion and design in an informal environment. In the past, our workshops have been hosted by personalities such as Ivona Petružálková, Žil Julie Vostalová, Lena Knappová or Adéla Šponerová, who have impressed those interested with their knowledge of creative production, digital fashion design, photography and PR.

/ Fashion Show

We give space to young up-and-coming talents from all over Europe. Students from high schools and universities present themselves at our event. Designers have the opportunity to showcase their work to the general public, as well as to journalists and fashion professionals.

/ Charity auction

Each year, the gala also includes a charity auction, the proceeds of which go to selected non-profit organizations. For the last seven years we have been supporting women with breast cancer, specifically the Alliance of Women with Breast Cancer, o.p.s., which represents a total of 40 patient organizations.

/ Afterparty

The day-long programme traditionally ends with an afterparty, where not only Zlín electronic music creators are presented. We closely cooperate with a producer performing under the pseudonym Rainer.

You can buy tickets for the event via the smsticket portal here.


Olga Burešová


Olga Burešová is an important figure in the fields of design, fashion, and marketing. With over 15 years of experience, she founded the successful PR agency Artspeak, helping brands grow and develop. For more than 10 years, she has been cooperating with the LAFORMELA brand, and her services have been used by the designer Zuzana Kubíčková and brands such as NILA, Antipearle and Kahotski Eyewear.

Olga actively supports and nurtures the creative community in the Czech Republic. Besides learning from inspiring success stories, you will uncover the secrets of effective PR and marketing communication strategies. This workshop is packed with practical examples and valuable industry insights. 

Workshop information:
Event location: Chvíle. květinářství, Na Výsluní 314, 760 01 ZlínEvent Date: 22. 3. 2025
Time: 10:00

Kuba Zeman


A workshop about sharing experiences with young photographer Kuba Zeman, where he will introduce participants to his collaboration with Czech designers, artists and brands, including Adidas, Footshop and Jan Societé. Kuba's wide range of work ranges from portrait photography to events, backstage and prestigious magazines. He currently works at HDHD studio. He will talk about the course of the aforementioned collaborations, how to find your own approach to the creative process and about building a personal visual style.

Workshop information:
Event location: Ateliér Fotografie, Univerzitní 2431, 760 01 ZlínEvent
Date: 22. 3. 2025
Time: 11:00

Monina Nevrlá


Monina Nevrlá is primarily a choreographer and fashion show director who has collaborated with brands such as Jan Societé or LAFORMELA. She has extensive experience in producing fashion editorials and advertorials for Vogue CS, Elle or Marianne. She was a co-owner of the modeling agency New Aliens Agency, which redefined the standards of beauty and diversity in Czech modeling. She also works as the main choreographer of Prague Burlesque and is active on the international ballroom scene. Her workshop will focus primarily on the production and functioning of a modeling agency.

Workshop information:
Event location: Chvíle. květinářství, Na Výsluní 314, 760 01 ZlínEvent
Date: 22. 3. 2025
Time: 12:00



Workshop with Olgou Burešovou,

Workshop with Kubou Zemanem,
Ateliér reklamní fotografie

Workshop with Moninou Nevrlou,


Open doors and Silent auction

Beginning of the fashion show






The prologue is the opening chapter of the story. It provides the first hints, revealing snippets of atmosphere, events and emotions that are yet to come in the narrative. No one knows yet what will happen in the next moments. It gives us a direction but does not reveal all the answers, leaving us in anticipation and suspense. But the prologue doesn't have to be part of the book alone; the prologue is a preview of what's to come in the next stages of our own narrative.
Explore my story
Explore my story
So become part of the 13th annual of Fashion Event Dotek and experience its metamorphosis into an introduction to a new story.
Accreditation for photographers who are interested in accreditation can apply using the form by March 14, 2025.
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for silent auction

Hledáme nové talenty pro dvanasty ročník

The Application closed on 5 January 2025. Thank you to all interested.

Products will be part of a silent auction on the day of the event. You can view individual works in our online catalog, which will be published here and on social media soon.
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